When it comes to a favorite Halloween costume, Ashley McBryde‘s is synonymous with her favorite spooky-season memory in Music City.
“My friends and I take Halloween really seriously, and we try to have a themed party every year. One year we did superheroes only. We did it in East Nashville where [it] was super likely there would be children stopping by for candy,” Ashley recalls to the press.
Ashley and gang formed a whole superhero team.
“We had Thor, and we had the Green Arrow, we had two different versions of Batman — we had 1960s Batman, we had the Dark Knight Batman. We had Penguin, we had the Hulk. I got to be Wonder Woman,” she recounts.
The highlight of Ashley’s night wasn’t her outfit — it was interacting with the little ones who came for trick-or-treating.
“We’d sit on the porch and kids would come by and they would see superheroes, and they would tell their parents, ‘Mom! It’s Batman!’ And they would run up on the porch and we’d give them candy, and some of them were dressed as superheroes, too!” Ashley recalls.
“We would say, ‘We’ve been fighting crime all night, where have you been!’ and they were like, ‘We’ve been getting candy!'” shares Ashley. “That was, hands down, my favorite Halloween, so that gets to be my favorite costume.”
Ashley’s currently on the road opening for Cody Johnson on his The Leather Tour. Tickets are available now at ashleymcbryde.com.
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